Keep it simple with QimiQ

Everything is so easy with QimiQ
Cream slices prepared in just 10 minutes
Terrines without additional gelatine?
Sauces with the perfect consistency?
Everything is much quicker and easier and tastes great too. Sound too good to be true? QimiQ makes it possible.
With QimiQ you can cook and bake easily, quickly and with confidence. It is alcohol and acid stable, binds liquid, emulsifies with oil and stabilises. You will be surprised what creations are possible in so little time and with few ingredients.
Would you like a little taste? You will find many new and creative recipe ideas in the QimiQ Recipe Database.
Find the utensils and off you go...

Frequently asked QimiQ

QimiQ is made up of the words: "quick" and "milk" and thus emphasises the fast and uncomplicated use of the product.
Yes. QimiQ was developed in Austria and is mainly produced in Austria. In certain markets such as Switzerland and Japan, QimiQ is also produced outside of Austria. We produce in Australia for Asia Pacific and ASIAN. Both the product name "QimiQ" and the production process are patented and trademarked worldwide for HAMA Foodservice. QimiQ has also been awarded the AMA seal of quality by Agrarmarkt. This award is only given to food products of special quality.
QimiQ can be found on the shelf with long-life dairy products, in the pasta and in the refrigerated section.
Cream is obtained by centrifuging raw milk. The milk fat is separated as much as possible so that the remaining skimmed milk only has a fat content of 0.03% to 0.06%. The desired fat content of the finished product is achieved by mixing the two products to the desired fat level. A minimum fat content of 10% is required to be labeled as cream.
Yes. Yes. Soups and sauces for example do not curdle even when reheated several times.
QimiQ can be stored unopened at room temperature for approx. 12 months in the 1 kg pack. Opened packs must be refrigerated and used within 3 - 4 days.
No. QimiQ Classic & QimiQ Cream Base are pure natural products, i.e. they do not contain emulsifiers, stabilisers or E-numbers.
But: For QimiQ Whip an emulsifier is required for whipping because it contains too little fat. This emulsifier is however completely harmless!
Yes. QimiQ can be mixed with all foods, except fresh pineapple and fresh kiwi.
Yes. You can add white wine or lemon juice to a sauce without any problem as QimiQ is acid stable and therefore does not curdle.
Yes. QimiQ is suitable for almost all diets, e.g. for diabetes, cholesterol and coeliac diets, light whole foods and reduction diets.
No, but QimiQ contains only 3.7 g lactose per 250 g and is therefore low in lactose and suitable for a low lactose diet.
All QimiQ products contain MILK as an allergenic ingredient.