
AMA quality seal
Agrarmarkt Austria has awarded QimiQ with the AMA seal of quality, which is only given to food of a special quality. The country colours and the designation of origin explain transparently where the raw materials come from. The AMA requirements are stricter than legal requirements and farms have to undergo regular inspections to qualify.

QimiQ wins the Food Oscar
At the "1st International Chef Days" 2004 in Davos, QimiQ was awarded the coveted ICD Award as the best and most innovative product in the category "Food Technology". The ICD Award is the equivalent of a food oscar! The top-class jury, including Hans Haas from Tantris in Munich, presented QimiQ with the ICD Award in recognition of outstanding achievements in the foodservice sector. With this award, QimiQ has once again proven that its product capabilities not only make work in the kitchen easier, but also improve it in many times over. "The award is first and foremost due to QimiQ's employees and customers," says Rudolf F. Haindl, CEO of QimiQ.

Mercury Award in Gold
In 2003, QimiQ wins the Mercury Award in Gold. This is the most important award to be presented in the global catering sector. The International Flight Catering Association (IFCA) named QimiQ as the best and most innovative product in catering and flight catering.

Certified Brand - ISO 20671
On 21 November 2019, the Salzburg based family business QimiQ was awarded the "Certified Brand" seal of quality by Austrian Standards and the European Brand Institute. The award ceremony took place during the 11th BRAND [LIFE] AWARDS in Vienna. "We were the first Salzburg company to have a brand certified according to ISO 20671," says Michele Haindl from QimiQ. "For us, the brand has been more than just the company's logo. We have always included the brand in our entire value creation process." The award of the "Certified Brand" seal of approval according to ISO 20671 covers all relevant areas of creating, maintaining and further developing a strong brand. The standard defines the criteria for holistic brand management which include investments in brand protection, market and trend analyses, product and marketing innovations as well as sustainable communication measures and regular transparent brand reporting. "Brands are already so important today that their value is often mentioned instead of the value of the company," DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek, President of the European Brand Institute, emphasised once again the importance of the award on the occasion of the presentation to QimiQ. Refering once again to the DNA of QimiQ Michele Haindl a member of the family owners says "For me personally, this award is an incentive to continue the strong consistent brand policy I was taught by my parents,"